CaveExpress is a classic 2D platformer with physics-based gameplay and dozens of levels.
Master your pedal-powered flying machine to pick up packages from
your cave-dwelling clients and drop them off at the collection
But beware! Mighty mastodons, terrifying pterodactyls
and others would rather see you extinct.
CaveExpress is available for Android, GoogleNativeClient, Linux<>, MacOSX, Windows and HTML5. iOS will follow soon.
With CaveExpress you are able to build your own campaigns and maps with the built-in mapeditor.
- Multiplayer mode for solving the maps with up to 4 players
- Carry packages and passengers
- Physics
- Powerups
- User made campaigns and maps with the built-in mapeditor
You can use the forum to ask your questions or report your problems.CaveExpress Screenshots

CaveExpress: How to play
The primary goal of CaveExpress is to pick up the packages and drop them off at the collection point.
You get more points and stars the faster you manage to do this. There are also ways to get some extra points when you daze a dino or deliver a package very fast.
Hitting walls too hard might crash your flying machine and you will have to restart the map.
Depending on the difficulty level you have chosen, you might have to restart a campaign if you lose all three lives for a campaign.
You can carry multiple packages - but controlling your flying machine might get harder.
Placing a stone close to the collection point can help you when trying to throw the package into place.
The package: 
Pick up packages from your clients and drop them off at the collection point.
The collection point: 
This is the point where you should drop off your packages.
The tree: 
Get items from the tree by throwing the stone onto it. Items can for example regenerate your health.
The stone: 
Use the stone to daze dinosaurs or get items from the tree.
The sleeping dinosaur: 
This is a lazy dinosaur - but still don't get too close if you don't have too. His snore can cause trouble.
The mighty fish: 
The water is his territory... and he will defeat it against intruders.
The pterodactylus: 
You should not get too close to this nasty pterodactylus. He doesn't like other flying things.
The angry dinosaur: 
Even hovering over him might make him angry. He will destroy all packages on his way to you if he's enraged.
The mastodon: 
A little bit slower than his friends, but still dangerous. Don't land your flying machine too close too him. He will also destroy packages on his way to you.
Touch devices:
Use a second finger to drop collected goods (stone, package). While the first finger is in touch with your device, tap the second finger on your screen to trigger the drop.
Use the cursor keys to control your player and the space bar to release the collected goods.
Use the controller like you are used to in the menus.
CavePacker is a Sokoban game - one of the most popular puzzle and logic games.
Keep your cave tidy. To do this, make sure that all the spread packages are put onto their targets. You can only push,
pulling is not allowed.
You get higher ratings for lesser moves you need. The first few maps might be easy to solve - but the more you progress
in the game, the harder the maps will be. The map set is the XSokoban one.
CavePacker is available for Android, GoogleNativeClient, Linux, MacOSX, Windows and HTML5.
- Multiplayer: Yes this sokoban player supports network based multiplayer games
- XSokoban, KSokoban and GRIGoRusha map sets are used in the game (more details)
- User made campaigns and maps can be easily added to the game
- Allows very very big maps that can be zoomed
- Solutions: Solutions are included for the bundled puzzles
- Deadlock detection: Some of the possible deadlock situations of a board are detected by the game
- Pathfinding: Clicking to a board position will let your player walk there (if possible)
You can use the forum to ask your questions or report your problems.
CavePacker Screenshots

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